AFÉPOP 2024 Conference satisfaction surveyParticipantAny question may be skipped if you don't know, don't remember, or do not want to answer.Are you currently affiliated witha French institutiona non-French institutionbothDo you speak French?Yes (native).Yes (fluently)A littleNoAhead of the conference. How would you rate the following items?The comprehensiveness and clarity of information required for submission0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The time available for and/or timing of submissions, acceptance and registration0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The registration process (we know it was fastidious)0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The accessibility of pre-conference information (ease of finding on the conference website and/or information provided by email)0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]Anything you want to add about the information ahead of the conference:Scientific program. How would you rate or what did you think of the following items?The thematic dimension of the sessions (interest, absence of gap, relevance of the population field)0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The quality of the sessions you attended0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The time allocated to each papertoo shortappropriatetoo longThe suggestion to limit interruptions during presentations to clarification questions only0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The presence of discussions (as a participant in the audience)0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The presence of discussions (as a speaker and discussant)0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]Potential additional comments on the scientific program:General logistics. How would you rate or what did you think of the following items?The time allocated to breaks and lunchestoo shortappropriatetoo longThe type, quality, and quantity of food and beverages for lunches and other breaks0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]Your satisfaction with the conference venue amenities overall (location, session rooms, foyer for breaks and lunches)?0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]The social event at the Péniche La Bougeotte0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]Potential additional feedback on general logistics:Socializing. How would you rate or what did you think of the following items?Do you think that the time devoted to socializing wastoo shortappropriatetoo longWere you able to interact with people you didn't know before the conference?0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]Potential additional feedback on socializing. In particular, let us know if we could improve inclusivity for participants with different preferences or needs.General satisfactionHow would you rate your overall satisfaction at the AFÉPOP conference?0 [terrible]12345 [terrific]Anything else you would like to add about this year’s conference:Next year the annual conference is expected to take place in Marseille on May 15-16. Do you plan to submit a paper to AFÉPOP2025?YesMaybeNoWhom would you want to hear as keynote speaker(s)?Finally, we mentioned in the general assembly a few activities planned for the year to come. Could you rate from 0 to 15 how useful you find these and if you'd be willing to participate.The online association’s directory.0 [useless / not wiling to participate]12345 [useful / wiling to participate]Setting up a newsletter or other channel for communicating information of interest to members: conferences, summer schools, job openings, projects, etc.0 [useless / not wiling to participate]12345 [useful / wiling to participate]Organizing an AFÉPOP seminar (possibly monthly or bimonthly, and hybrid)0 [useless / not wiling to participate]12345 [useful / wiling to participate]Any additional comments or suggestions on further activities: