The French Association of Population Economists


2nd Annual Conference

15-16 May 2024
Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Marseilles

Welcome to the website of the French Association of Population EconomistsAFÉPOP – founded in September 2023. Its aim is to federate and lead a French network of researchers specializing in population economics. By bringing together this thematic community, we strengthen scientific links both between researchers and between institutions. AFÉPOP is committed to promoting the sharing of knowledge and the exchange of ideas, notably through the regular organization of events fostering collaboration between its members.

We are delighted to announce the first of these events, the inaugural AFÉPOP 2024 Conference, to be held on May 2 and 3, 2024 on the Condorcet Campus in Aubervilliers. This conference promises to be a rich moment of encounters, exchange and knowledge sharing.

Explore our website to find out more about our association, its activities, and the possibility to join our scientific community.

Membership is open to all those interested in population economics, whatever their nationality, place of residence or professional field. It operates on a calendar-year basis. Individuals with an interest in population economics can join at the standard or reduced rate if they are eligible (students, post-docs or anyone considering themselves to be of limited financial capacity). Alternatively, they can become benefactor members by paying a higher membership fee to support the association financially. A three-year membership is also available, at the standard rate only.

Individual yearly standard rate: 40€   |   Individual yearly reduced rate: 20€   |   Individual yearly benefactor rate: from 400€    | Three-year standard rate: 100€

Institutions can also contact us to become partners of the association with the status of institutional member.

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