Subject: Elections for the Steering Committee 2024-2028

Dear members,

As a member of AFÉPOP as of April 15, 2024, we invite you to participate in the election of the members of the association’s board of directors.

The elections are held online. Shortly, you will receive a personal email from the Balotilo platform allowing you to vote. The email will be in English and you may select each name individually. Then clicking “Je vote” will validate your choice. As this is a pluralistic majority ballot with individual candidacies, you can express up to eight votes from the list of eight candidates for the AFÉPOP Board of Directors, for terms until 2028, although four of them will end in 2026 to initiate renewal by half.

You can vote (and modify your vote) at any time until Monday, April 29 at 11:59 PM (Paris time). Although there is no quorum, we encourage you to participate as widely as possible in the vote. 

The list of candidates is as follows: Stéphane Benveniste (Ined, AMSE), Rozenn Hotte (University of Tours), Hélène Le Forner (University of Rennes), Mathieu Lefebvre (University of Strasbourg), Arnaud Lefranc (CY Cergy Paris University), Marion Leturcq (Ined), Stefania Marcassa (CY Cergy Paris University), Karine Moukaddem (AMSE).

We thank Simon Rabaté and Benoît Rapoport, founding members and members of the transitional board of directors, for their considerable help in launching the association. They will continue to work for its development but have decided not to run in these elections.

If you have any questions about the election, please do not hesitate to contact the General Secretary, Stéphane Benveniste (

Thank you in advance for your participation.
The transitional board of directors

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