The inaugural AFÉPOP conference is open to all researchers whose work focuses on population economics (family, education, labor market, health, demography, inequalities, etc.). All contributions are welcome, subject to acceptance by the scientific committee.
Plenary session : Libertad González
Thematic parallel sessions
Social events including a conference dinner.
Standard rate: 150 € (+0 € for AFÉPOP members or +40 € with new annual membership)
Reduced rate: 75 € (+0 € for AFÉPOP members or +20 € with new annual membership) Available to students, post-docs or to anyone who self-declares having low resources
Libertad González is Professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Barcelona School of Economics. She holds a PhD in economics from Northwestern University. Her research interests include labor economics, public economics and health economics.
Organizing team
Stéphane Benveniste Etienne Dagorn Kenza Elass Rozenn Hotte Hélène Le Forner Marion Leturcq Stefania Marcassa Simon Rabaté Benoît Rapoport Mathis Sansu Georgia Thebault
Scientific Committee
Pierre André Eliane Badaoui Olivier Bargain Thomas Baudin Julien Bergeot Didier Blanchet Marie Boltz Antoine Bommier Eric Bonsang Anne Boring Clément Bosquet Hippolyte d’Albis Gabrielle Fack Sarah Flèche Nicolas Frémeaux Mathilde Godard Marion Goussé Yajna Govind Julien Grenet Élise Huillery Sylvie Lambert Fanny Landaud Anne Lavigne Arnaud Lefranc Mathieu Lefebvre Olivier Marie Laurine Martinoty Dominique Meurs Pauline Morault Simone Moriconi Elsa Perdrix Hélène Périvier Muriel Roger Quitterie Roquebert Pauline Rossi Claudia Senik Elena Stancanelli Alain Trannoy Julie Tréguier Gregory Verdugo François-Charles Wolff Roberta Ziparo
Our institutional partners
This conference is co-funded by a French government subsidy by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme référence ANR-17-EURE-0001.